Check Free Pci Slots Linux

The x350/550 is an integrated PCI-E chip. Based on that I can't tell whether your PC model has a free PCI-E slot. You'll have to open up the case to make sure.

  1. Okay, so i now know that there are exactly TWO pci slots being used (each one with a realtek network card). Given this, i could determine the amount of free pci slots by subtracting two from the total amount of slots. I can determine the total amount of slots by looking at the board's specs on a website.
  2. PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect) is a standardized local bus for attaching different hardware to motherboard. Many devices such as Network cards, modems, sound cards are attached to these PCI sa lots in older machines and still we are using PCI sa lots but in near future they will be absolute.

Linux provides lspci command in order to list PCI bus and devices information. This command will provide brief or detailed information about currently connected PCI devices like GPU, USB Card etc.

We can install lspci tool with the following command to the deb based distributions.

In yum or dnf based distributions we can use the following command which will install the package named pciutils.

We will start with the simplest form where we will do not provide any option to this command. This will print PCI Address or slot information with the device type and vendor information.

Most of the computers have a few PCI interfaces. This may list a lot of information which will jam the output. Or we may be interested in the specific PCI slot of address. In this example, we will print information about PCI slot number 00:10.0 which is SCSI device controller.

The default printing format is human-readable format. This means PCI address or slot, vendor and product information is printed in a space delimited format. Machine-readable format is a double quote separated format which can be parsed easily.

PCI bus provides a lot of information about the PCI connection and the devices. By default, this information is not printed completely. We can print detailed information about this PCI connection and device with the verbose -v option like below.

We can see that for every PCI device information like Subsystem, Flag, Memory Location or Address, Kernel Driver In Use, Kernel Modules, I/O ports etc.

We can also print PCI Slot and Devices information in tag:value format. This will make the information readable like JSON format. We will use -vmms option like below.

Every computer hardware manufacturer has its own vendor and device code or ID. We can print device vendor, class, svendor,sdevice ID with the -n option like below.

As very PCI device have its kernel module and driver to be used by the Linux operating system. We can list all kernel and drivers with the -k option like below.

We can see that the following information is provided by -k.

  • Device Name
  • Subsystem
  • Kernel driver
  • Kernel module

Up to now, we have listed PCI Devices in a line by line or regular format. We can also list the output of the lspci in a tree format with a hierarchical manner. We will use -t option like below.

We can see that some devices are listed under VMware USB controller.

We have already printed detailed or verbose information about the PCI slots. We will use multiple -v option -vv or -vvv . More v means more verbose or detail.


lspci - list all PCI devices



lspci [options]


lspci is a utility for displaying information about PCI buses in the system and devices connected to them.

By default, it shows a brief list of devices. Use the options described below to request either a more verbose output or output intended for parsing byother programs.

If you are going to report bugs in PCI device drivers or in lspci itself, please include output of 'lspci -vvx' or even better 'lspci -vvxxx'(however, see below for possible caveats).

Some parts of the output, especially in the highly verbose modes, are probably intelligible only to experienced PCI hackers. For exact definitions of thefields, please consult either the PCI specifications or the header.h and /usr/include/linux/pci.h include files.

Access to some parts of the PCI configuration space is restricted to root on many operating systems, so the features of lspci available to normalusers are limited. However, lspci tries its best to display as much as available and mark all other information with <access denied>text.


Basic display modes


Dump PCI device data in a backward-compatible machine readable form. See below for details.


Dump PCI device data in a machine readable form for easy parsing by scripts. See below for details.


Show a tree-like diagram containing all buses, bridges, devices and connections between them.

Display options


Be verbose and display detailed information about all devices.


Be very verbose and display more details. This level includes everything deemed useful.


Be even more verbose and display everything we are able to parse, even if it doesn't look interesting at all (e.g., undefined memory regions).


Show kernel drivers handling each device and also kernel modules capable of handling it. Turned on by default when -v is given in the normal mode ofoutput. (Currently works only on Linux with kernel 2.6 or newer.)


Pci Slots Types

Show hexadecimal dump of the standard part of the configuration space (the first 64 bytes or 128 bytes for CardBus bridges).


Show hexadecimal dump of the whole PCI configuration space. It is available only to root as several PCI devices crash when you try to read some partsof the config space (this behavior probably doesn't violate the PCI standard, but it's at least very stupid). However, such devices are rare, so you needn'tworry much.


Show hexadecimal dump of the extended (4096-byte) PCI configuration space available on PCI-X 2.0 and PCI Express buses.


Bus-centric view. Show all IRQ numbers and addresses as seen by the cards on the PCI bus instead of as seen by the kernel.


Always show PCI domain numbers. By default, lspci suppresses them on machines which have only domain 0.

Options to control resolving ID's to names


Show PCI vendor and device codes as numbers instead of looking them up in the PCI ID list.


Show PCI vendor and device codes as both numbers and names.


Check Free Pci Slots Linux

Use DNS to query the central PCI ID database if a device is not found in the local pci.ids file. If the DNS query succeeds, the result is cached in~/.pciids-cache and it is recognized in subsequent runs even if -q is not given any more. Please use this switch inside automated scripts onlywith caution to avoid overloading the database servers.


Same as -q, but the local cache is reset.


Query the central database even for entries which are recognized locally. Use this if you suspect that the displayed entry is wrong.

Options for selection of devices

-d [<vendor>]:[<device>]
Show only devices with specified vendor and device ID. Both ID's are given in hexadecimal and may be omitted or given as '*', both meaning 'anyvalue'.

Other options

-i <file>
Use <file> as the PCI ID list instead of /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids.
-p <file>
Use <file> as the map of PCI ID's handled by kernel modules. By default, lspci uses /lib/modules/kernel_version/modules.pcimap. Appliesonly to Linux systems with recent enough module tools.

Invoke bus mapping mode which performs a thorough scan of all PCI devices, including those behind misconfigured bridges, etc. This option gives meaningfulresults only with a direct hardware access mode, which usually requires root privileges. Please note that the bus mapper only scans PCI domain 0.

Shows lspci version. This option should be used stand-alone.

PCI access options

The PCI utilities use the PCI library to talk to PCI devices (see pcilib(7) for details). You can use the following options to influence itsbehavior:
-A <method>
The library supports a variety of methods to access the PCI hardware. By default, it uses the first access method available, but you can use this option tooverride this decision. See -A help for a list of available methods and their descriptions.
-O <param>=<value>
The behavior of the library is controlled by several named parameters. This option allows to set the value of any of the parameters. Use -O help fora list of known parameters and their default values.

Use direct hardware access via Intel configuration mechanism 1. (This is a shorthand for -A intel-conf1.)


Use direct hardware access via Intel configuration mechanism 2. (This is a shorthand for -A intel-conf2.)

-F <file>
Instead of accessing real hardware, read the list of devices and values of their configuration registers from the given file produced by an earlier run oflspci -x. This is very useful for analysis of user-supplied bug reports, because you can display the hardware configuration in any way you want withoutdisturbing the user with requests for more dumps.

Increase debug level of the library.

Machine Readable Output

Dell Computers With Pci Slots

If you intend to process the output of lspci automatically, please use one of the machine-readable output formats (-m, -vm, -vmm)described in this section. All other formats are likely to change between versions of lspci.

All numbers are always printed in hexadecimal. If you want to process numeric ID's instead of names, please add the -n switch.

Simple format (-m)

In the simple format, each device is described on a single line, which is formatted as parameters suitable for passing to a shell script, i.e., valuesseparated by whitespaces, quoted and escaped if necessary. Some of the arguments are positional: slot, class, vendor name, device name, subsystem vendor nameand subsystem name (the last two are empty if the device has no subsystem); the remaining arguments are option-like:

Revision number.


Check Free Pci Slots Linux Software

Programming interface.
The relative order of positional arguments and options is undefined. New options can be added in future versions, but they will always have a singleargument not separated from the option by any spaces, so they can be easily ignored if not recognized.

Verbose format (-vmm)

The verbose output is a sequence of records separated by blank lines. Each record describes a single device by a sequence of lines, each line containing asingle 'tag: value' pair. The tag and the value are separated by a single tab character. Neither the records nor the lines within arecord are in any particular order. Tags are case-sensitive.

The following tags are defined:


The name of the slot where the device resides ([domain:]bus:device.function). This tag is always the first in a record.


Name of the class.


Name of the vendor.


Name of the device.

Name of the subsystem vendor (optional).
Name of the subsystem (optional).
The physical slot where the device resides (optional, Linux only).

Revision number (optional).


Check Free Pci Slots Linux Software

Programming interface (optional).


Kernel driver currently handling the device (optional, Linux only).


Kernel module reporting that it is capable of handling the device (optional, Linux only).

New tags can be added in future versions, so you should silently ignore any tags you don't recognize.

Backward-compatible verbose format (-vm)

Device tag isused for both the slot and the device name, so it occurs twice in a single record. Please avoid using this format in any new code.



update-pciids utilityto download the most recent version.
If lspci is compiled with support for compression, this file is tried before pci.ids.
All ID's found in the DNS query mode are cached in this file.


Sometimes, lspci is not able to decode the configuration registers completely. This usually happens when not enough documentation was available to theauthors. In such cases, it at least prints the <?> mark to signal that there is potentially something more to say. If you know the details,patches will be of course welcome.

Access to the extended configuration space is currently supported only by the linux_sysfs back-end.

See Also

setpci(8), update-pciids(8), pcilib(7)


The PCI Utilities are maintained by Martin Mares <>.

Referenced By

dstat(1),Check Free Pci Slots Linuxedac-ctl(8),lshw(1),lsusb(8),proc(5),usbview

Check Free Pci Slots Linux Downloads
