Swtor Nightlife Event Swtor Slot Machine Macro


Well, well, well…. I’m back.

Complete guide to the SWTOR Nar Shaddaa Nightlife (Festival of Splendor) Event. Your luck on the slot machines at the dazzling Star Cluster and Club Vertica.

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic, simply known as SWTOR or TOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that was produced and released by BioWare, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Developed over the course of more than five years by BioWare Austin and LucasArts at a cost of over $200 million, Star Wars: The Old Republic was first conceived in 2005 as an MMORPG follow-up to.
  • The reason I call this a 1-2-3 macro is the simple fact that is that you will use 1, 2 and 3 as you main macro set-up. You could use 8, 9, 0 and free up your lower keys for easy use, but it still works out that all skills will be grouped into sets of 3.

It’s been some time since my last post. The holiday season handed me a few challenges which all took my time away from everything web-related. I’m glad to say that these challenges are somewhat behind me now and I now have time (at long last) to focus on TOR again.

I was going to start my return post with a rant about the imbalance of the class system, but I will put that off for another time.


Today I will walk you through a simple and easy-to-follow macro set-up I’m playing around with in-game. It’s by no means perfect, but it does help to simplify key binds and the fast-paced combat which we all have come to expect in TOR.

The minimum requirement is a 3-button mouse. Better still is a programmable mouse with extra buttons, but this can be bypassed with a program like Auto-Hotkey which will work just as well.

The reason I call this a 1-2-3 macro is the simple fact that is that you will use 1, 2 and 3 as you main macro set-up. You could use 8, 9, 0 and free up your lower keys for easy use, but it still works out that all skills will be grouped into sets of 3.

Your basic program will look like this.

press number 1

pause 100ms

press number 2

pause 100ms

press number 3

Your hot-key to trigger these skills will be bound to your middle mouse button. Every time you hit that button, it will go through these numbers in turn, and as soon as one of them is ready to activate, it will trigger those skills.

Below is the basic set-up on my UI in-game.

This is what I’m using at level 18 and have yet to be bogged down with too many skills. Later on, like I noted before, you can change your numbers to whatever you want, just so you can free up your 1-5 keys for easy use. That would look like this:

The main macro on this set never changes. The only thing that changes is what you can use with it ( i.e Shift/Alt or CRTL).

The biggest point to know on macro sets when you are grouping your skills together is to never have more than one non-cool-down skill in a set of three, and always have this skill to trigger last in the set. If you place it anywhere else, you will continue to use that skill as it will always be available, and you won’t be able to use the other skill you have set up.

Once you set your macro up its time to pick the skills you will use in an easy set of three. The Jedi has the easiest option as he has to build focus, so you set the middle mouse button to trigger the Jedi’s focus building abilities.

Swtor nightlife event swtor slot machine macro build

At this level I have a total of three to choose from and there is only one way to set them up.

Set One – Focus building abilities.

1 – Force Leap. Gets me close on targets. Has a 15 second cool-down and gives me 3 focus. Perfect opener.

2 – Sundering Strike. Lowers targets armor by 4%, stacks up to 5 times total 20% reduction. Gives me 2 focus with a low 4.5 second cool-down.

3- Strike. Basic damage, gives 1 focus and dose not have a cool-down. (no cool-down always last in the set).

This as an opener gives me a total of 6 focus ample to use any skill I wish.

Set Two – With Ctrl Pressed – These are my main damage abilities.

Ctrl + 1 – Riposte. Takes 3 focus with a 6 second cool-down. This ability can only be used when an opponent blocks a hit.

Ctrl + 2 Blade Storm. Takes 4 focus with a 12 second cool-down has very good damage at my level and is a 10m ranged attack.

Ctrl +3 Slash. Takes 3 focus with no cool-down fair damage always available.

These two sets (at the cost of pressing Ctrl and my middle mouse button) give me a total of 6 skills. Best of all, I do not have to lift my hands off the mouse or keys and, more importantly, do not have to watch the skill bar to see what is ready to use.

Set tree – With Ctrl +Shift pressed – AOE skills.

Ctrl + Shift + 1 Force Sweep. Takes 3 focus. Hits up to 5 targets stuns weak targets for 1.5 seconds with a 13 second cool-down.

Ctrl + Shift +2 Freezing Force. Takes 2 focus. Slows all close targets by 50% speed for 6 seconds (no cool-down)

Ctrl + Shift +3 Open Slot (Waiting on another AOE skill)

Up to this point I have 8 skills I can use and all I have to do is move my thumb (as I’m left handed) and click the middle mouse button.

As you gain more skills you can add more sets to your growing macros.

Although this works great for a class that builds focus, it can also be adapted for other classes like the Sith Assassin.

Swtor Nightlife Event Swtor Slot Machine Macros

As before, we are still using the 1-2-3 keys to set a the following macros.

Set One – Close-Range DPS

Swtor Nightlife Event Swtor Slot Machine Macro Build

1 – Maul. Only usable from behind the target and one of your more potent skills. It will not trigger if you aren’t in position and will advance to the next skill. It does not have a cool-down.

2 – Trash. This is your bread and butter skill. Good damage at a fair cost.

3 – Saber Strike. Basic damage that recoups energy.

Set Two – Ranged attacks.

Ctrl + 1 Crushing Darkness. Damage over time good opener if out of stealth 15 second cool-down.

Ctrl + 2 Force Lightning. This is almost the perfect follow-up to Crushing Darkness. Instant damage with a 6-second cool-down.

Ctrl + 3 Shock. channeled ability with a 6 second cool-down.

Again, we are just using the same macro and same keybinds as before. You may have to test and refine which skills will go where but with a little thought you can macro any class in TOR into bite sized chunks using this method.

On a side note, here’s a handy tip for those questing with companions. There are two skills that should have their own keybinds. Your companion’s Attack and Passive modes.

I have bound these to my right and left tilt on my mouse wheel. The keybind I have assigned to them is something I would never use, so there’s no chance of me triggering them by mistake. I use Ctrl + Alt + P for my companion to attack a given target and Ctrl + Alt +[ to make them turn to passive for those boss AOE attacks that seem to get them killed every time.

These macros will never replace any in-game macros, if and when they come along, but with the mass of skills you gain in TOR, every little bit helps.

And with that I will take my leave.

Until next time, MrWarlock signing off.

This is a simple guide made for relatively new players who want to have a bit of ‘fun’ if they don’t feel like doing missions.

Where to Find the Casino?

The casino is located on the planet Nar Shaddaa, you can access this planet once you get your own starship very early on in the game.

Once you arrive on the planet, exit the hanger and travel to the Star Cluster Casino via taxi.

What to Do?

Swtor Nightlife Event Swtor Slot Machine Macro Cheat

There’s not a lot to do in the casino but it’s definitely worth checking out as you could earn some pretty cool looking things for your player & companion from a low level.

Below you’ll find all the different casino chips, slot machines and misc activities (I’ll get it to whenever).

Casino Chips & Slot Machines

How to purchase chips:

You can only buy 2 types of chips from the hospitality droid, the last one I’ll go into more detail below. When you’re at star cluster casino look for a droid and there you’ll be able to purchase as many chips as you want, as long as you have money to throw.

Note that if you purchase a chip you will only get 1 & if you accidentally purchase a chip you won’t be able to refund it or sell it so you better hope you get something good from the slots.

Each variant of slot machines has their own unique chip.

Smuggler’s Luck

Compatible chip: Smuggler’s Casino Chip
Cost per chip: 2,000 Credits
Rarity: Common

Kingpin’s Bounty

Compatible chip: Kingpin’s Casino Chip
Cost per chip: 75,000 Credits
Rarity: Uncommon

Swtor Nightlife Event Swtor Slot Machine Macro Tutorial

Note: With Kingpin’s Bounty & E-Grace, you are able to win some pretty cool things. Personally the most important one is the golden certificate. Golden certificates can be used to buy limited-time clothing, mounts, weapons and so on.

Emperor’s Grace

Compatible chip: Emperor’s Casino Chip
Cost per chip: N/A – Not purchasable
Rarity: Rare

Note: The Emperor’s Grace is a limited-time event currently taking place from July 14th – August 25th, 2020. Although you’re not able to purchase this chip, you can easily find them from looting enemies or winning them from the Kingpin’s slot. To see if someone dropped a chip, a purple beam will appear from their body.

These chips can not be sold. UNFORTUNATELY, due to some incompetence the Emperor’s grace rarely works, even with the latest patch so it’s best to check different instances.

A Very Important Casino Rule

When the emperor’s grace is working, there’s normally a lot of players trying to get their hands on it but somewhere, somehow most gambling addicts made an unofficial rule to make a queue and wait patiently. This kinda works until someone jumps in line, spams the machine and ruins it for everyone else.

So here’s a few tips to stay on peoples good side 🙂 :

  • Do not skip the queue, be patient and reconsider your life choices because you’re waiting in line to gamble.
  • Make sure only 1 person is using the machine at a time, if multiple people spams it then it’ll glitch out and remain unusable.
  • Be nice :^)

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